Table of Contents

getRepsInSceneForObject Command




The return value is an int array, where each integer refers to a particular representation in the following list:

Representation value
sticks 0
spheres 1
surface 2
labels 3
nb_spheres 4
cartoon 5
ribbon 6
lines 7
mesh 8
dots 9
dashes 10
nonbonded 11
cell 12
cgo 13
callback 14
extent 15
slice 16
angles 17
dihedrals 18
ellipsoids 19
volume 20

Detailed Explanation

The results of this function might be a little confusing at first, but the reason for this is that the results mimic the PyMOL function cmd.get_vis(). It might not be the easiest to understand, but it is implemented like this for a reason.

The return values of getRepsInSceneForObject() are all of the possible representations for a particular object that are possibly shown in a scene.

The implementation of this function wanted keep the consistency between PyMOL's cmd.get_vis() and JyMol's getRepsInSceneForObject().

See Also

getRepsInSceneForObject() returns the same information in the 2rd element of the list for a particular object returned by cmd.get_vis() in PyMOL. (cmd.get_vis() returns a Python dictionary, with a list of information in the dictionary for each object. )