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Troubleshooting & Debugging

  • ati_bugs (yes, default: false) Controls whether or not PyMOL adapts its rendering to avoid known ATI bugs.
  • cgo_debug (int, default: 0) Controls whether or not PyMOL shows debugging graphics related to CGO objects.
  • debug_pick (integer, default: 0) a setting for debugging mouse pick problems.
  • hide_underscore_names (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not names with leading underscores are hidden from the user.
  • normal_workaround (boolean, default: off) is a workaround for OpenGL graphics cards that don't transform normals properly when drawing lines.
  • nvidia_bugs (integer, default: 0) can sometimes help with broken video card drivers including those affecting old nvidia cards.
  • raise_exceptions (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not pymol errors raise Python exceptions.
  • stereo_double_pump_mono – see stereo
  • stop_on_exceptions (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not script execution is halted after an error is encountered.
  • test1 (float) is sometimes used in development.
  • test2 (float) is sometimes used in development.
  • validate_object_names (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not object names are constrained to only contain safe characters.
setting/debug.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/19 21:00 (external edit)