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States & Movies

  • all_states (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not all molecular states are visible.
  • defer_builds_mode (integer, default: 0) controls when the underlying geometry for molecular representations is generated, as follows:
    • 0: visible geometry for all states of all enabled objects is generated upfront and retained in memory for reuse (highest memory usage).
    • 1: visible geometry for the current states of all enabled objects is generated only when needed and then retained in memory for later reuse.
    • 2: visible geometry for the current state of all enabled objects is generated only when needed and retained for the current state, even in disabled objects.
    • 3: visible geometry for the current state of all enabled objects is generated only when needs and retained for reuse in enabled objects only while in the current state (lowest memory usage).
  • cache_frames (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not each movie frame will be stored in RAM and then replayed from memory. This is used for previewing a movie at a higher frame rate. The “mclear” command can be used to flush this cache.
  • draw_frames (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not each movie frame is rendered using the “draw” command.
  • frame (integer, default: 1) stores the value of the current movie frame.
  • movie_delay (float, default: 30.0) controls how long should PyMOL wait before playing the next movie frame.
  • movie_fps (float, default: 30.0) Sets the number of frames per second at which movies will be created.
  • movie_loop (boolean, default: on) controls whether PyMOL plays the movie in a continuous loop or just once through.
  • movie_panel (int, default: 1) Controls whether the movie timeline is shown.
  • movie_panel_row_height (int, default: 15) row height in pixels of rows in movie panel
  • movie_quality (integer, default: 90) Controls the compression step of moviemaking. The higher the value the better the quality but larger the output file.
  • movie_animate_by_frame (bool, default: off) If movie is playing and rocking animation is performed, calculate animation progression by frame count and movie_fps, otherwise by elapsed time.
  • movie_auto_interpolate (bool, default: on) reinterpolate object and camera motions whenever keyframes are stored.
  • movie_auto_store (bool, default: on) store a keyframe when an object is dragged
  • movie_rock (int, default: -1) if 0 or 1 then this will override the rock setting during movie play.
  • ray_trace_frames (bool, default: off) Controls whether or not PyMOL ray traces movie frames. This can increase movie quailty, but at the expense of moviemaking speed.
  • single_image (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not PyMOL can can assume that each molecular state corresponds to only one single movie image. This setting can enable optimized rendering of still frames with certain types of molecular movies, but it is not generally applicable.
  • state (integer, default: 1) stores the value of the current molecular state.
  • static_singletons (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not PyMOL will treat molecular objects consisting of only of a single molecular state (state 1), as being present in all molecular states. This is a convenient optimization when rendering movies where some objects are completely static, and others have moving coordinates.

Object and Camera Motions

These settings affect the interpolations in movie making. See also mview, which has arguments power, bias, simple, hand and linear.

  • motion_bias (float, default: -1.0) with bias>1, the motion will pause for some frames around the keyframe
  • motion_hand (int, default: 1) determins the rotation direction for full 180° turns
  • motion_linear (float, default: 0.0)
  • motion_power (float, default: 0.0) With power<1 the motion will slow down at keyframes, with power=1 it will not change the speed.
  • motion_simple (int, default: 0)
setting/movie.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/01 17:58 by holder