First you need load a structure into PyMOL. Use
fetch 1dn2
load 1dn2.pdb
The most important visualization commands in PyMOL are:
show cartoon show surface
hide surface hide lines hide nonbonded
color red color green
When used as shown above, they affect any and all structures loaded into PyMOL. However, their scope can be restricted through use of selection expressions and name patterns in order to affect specific atoms or objects only.
show surface, 1hpv show cartoon, chain b show spheres, 1vgc and resi 95 color yellow, name ca
The next core commands are:
zoom resi 110-120 zoom all
label name ca, resn+resi label 1hpv//B/25/CG, "Active Site" label solvent, "%1.1f"%b
select 30s_loop, 30-34/ show sticks, 30s_loop color pink, 30s_loop and elem C
The three core commands for creating measurement objects are:
distance measure01, b/46/ce, b/53/cg
or hydrogen bonds:
dist hbond01, chain a, chain b, mode=2
angle measure02, b/37/ca, b/37/cb, b/37/og
dihedral measure03, a/18/n, a/18/ca, a/18/cb, a/18/cg
Once you are ready to create a final image:
draw draw 1600,1200
ray ray 1200, 900
png my_image.png