“map_new” creates a map object using one of the built-in map generation routines. This command not yet fully supported.
map_new name [, type [, grid [, selection [, buffer [, box [, state ]]]]]]
name = string: name of the map object to create or modify
type = vdw, gaussian, gaussian_max, coulomb, coulomb_neutral, coulomb_local
grid = float: grid spacing
selection = string: atoms about which to generate the map
buffer = float: cutoff
state > 0: use the indicated state
state = 0: use all states independently with independent extents
state = -1: use current global state
state = -2: use effective object state(s)
state = -3: use all states in one map
state = -4: use all states independent states by with a unified extent
This command can be used to create low-resolution surfaces of protein structures.