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  • stereo (boolean, default: off) can be used to determine whether or not stereo is active.
  • stereo_angle (float, default: 2.1) affects stereo separation. stereo_angle is a scaling factor applied to the natural angular difference which would occur between two eyes at that distance, both looking at the objective.
  • stereo_double_pump_mono (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not stereo contexts are used to render monoscopic contexts (required for some systems).
  • stereo_mode (integer, default: 1) can be used to determine the current stereo mode:
    • 1 = quadbuffer
    • 2 = cross eye
    • 3 = wall eye
    • 4 = geowall
    • 5 = sidebyside
    • 6 = byrow
    • 7 = bycolumn
    • 8 = checkerboard
    • 9 = custom
    • 10 = anaglyph (red/cyan)
    • 11 = dynamic
    • 12 = clonedynamic
  • stereo_shift (float, default: 2.0) affects stereo separation. stereo_shift is the separation between the two cameras observing the image, expressed as a % of the distance from the objective.
  • anaglyph_mode (integer, default: 4) implements the following 4 anaglyph modes (see also Anaglyph stereo mode settings)
    • 0 = true anaglyph
    • 1 = gray
    • 2 = color
    • 3 = half-color
    • 4 = optimized (default)

Generally speaking stereo_shift is the main depth control parameter, and stereo_angle should remain close to 2 in order to generate “correct” stereo geometry. However, adjusting stereo_angle can reduce ghosting and change the apparent Z location of the objective.

translation = distance * (stereo_shift/100)

rotation = (stereo_angle/2) * (arctan(stereo_shift/100))

setting/stereo.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/14 22:06 by holder