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Automatic Actions (Upon Loading or Creation)

  • auto_color (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not new objects are given a different color for their carbon atoms.
  • auto_copy_images (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not PyMOL automatically copies images from the OpenGL viewport into the system's clipboard.
  • auto_defer_builds (integer, default: 500) Multistate models with fewer than auto_defer_builds number of states will automatically be preprocessed for geometry and rendering. Set to -1 to process all states regardless of count.
  • auto_dss (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not secondary structure is automatically computed for structure which lack such definitions.
  • auto_overlay (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not overlay text is automatically shown/hidden in response to user actions.
  • auto_rename_duplicate_objects (boolean, default: off) if on, PyMOL will rename new objects that have the same name as an existing object; if off, PyMOL will overwrite the existing object.
  • auto_show_lines (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not the lines representation is automatically shown for new objects.
  • auto_show_nonbonded (boolean, default: on) control whether or not the nonbonded representation is automatically shown for new objects.
  • auto_show_spheres (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not the sphere representation is automatically shown for new objects.
  • auto_zoom (integer, default: -1) controls automatic zooming behavior:
    • 0 = no zoom
    • 1 = zoom new objects
    • 2 = zoom always
    • 3 = zoom current state always
    • 4 = zoom all objects
    • 5 = zoom first object only
  • autoclose_dialogs (boolean, default: on) Unused setting.
  • legacy_vdw_radii (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not old VDW radii are used.
  • multiplex (integer, default: -1) controls whether or not multi-state objects are loaded into one object or multiple objects.
  • preserve_chempy_ids (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not Chemical Python objects are loaded with their identifiers preserved.
  • rank_assisted_sorts (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not the position of an atom in the input file is using in the sorting algorithm.
  • retain_order (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not PyMOL sorts atoms internally.
  • security (integer, default: 1) is an internal setting.
setting/auto.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/06 21:28 by vertrees