label_color (color, default: -6 (front)) controls the text color of labels. By default, labels assume the front color, which is a color that has sharp contrast to the background. (i.e., white if the background is black)
label_position (vector, default: [0.0, 0.0, 1.75]) controls the position and alignment of labels in camera X, Y, and Z. Values between -1.0 and 1.0 affect alignment only, with the label attached to the atom position. Values beyond that range represent coordinate displacements. For the z dimension, values from -1 to 1 do not mean anything. Values above 1 and below -1 are offsets (minus 1 of the absolute value) in world coordinates. For example, the default 1.75 is .75 angstroms closer to the viewer.
Label Settings new in 1.7
label_placement_offset (vector, default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) controls the position of labels in camera X, Y, and Z. This value is changed at the atom-state level when the labels are dragged with the mouse. This setting behaves similar to the label_position setting without the alignment functionality.
label_relative_mode (integer, default: 0) specifies whether the label is relative to the world or screen. When set to 0 labels are relative to the “world coordinates,” and will move when the camera moves. When set to 1, the labels are relative to screen coordinates, and thus will not move upon camera transformations. For screen relative values, the label_screen_point setting is used.
0 = relative to the world
1 = relative to the screen (label_screen_point setting values -1 to 1 is the screen range)
2 = relative to the screen (label_screen_point setting values in pixels, where 0,0 is the lower left corner)
label_screen_point (vector, default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) specifies screen placement when label_relative_mode is 1 or 2 (see above). If label_z_target is not set, the 3rd value is used for the normalized z value relative to the clipping planes (1. is on the front clipping plane, -1 is on the back clipping plane).
label_multiline_spacing (float, default: 1.2) controls the space between multiline labels (value is in label_size scale, e.g., 1.2 there is .2 label_size between the lines)
Line spacing set to 1.5 | Line spacing set to 3.0 |
| |
label_multiline_justification (float, default: 1.) For labels with multiple lines, this justification value controls the horizontal justification. This value is a floating point value, so it can be interpolated between the values below.
1 = left justification
0 = center justification
-1 = right justification
Left justified (1) | Center Justified (0) | Right Justification (-1) |
 |  |  |
label_padding (vector, default: [0.2, 0.2, 0.0]) controls the space between the bounds of the text and the background outline in the X and Y direction. (values are in label_size scale), 3rd value in the vector is currently not used.
Padding set to [1.2 0.8 0] |
Label Connectors (New in 1.7)
setting/label.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/14 18:54 by bell