power (float, default: 1.0) controls how light is scattered.
ray_blend_blue (float, default: 0.14) controls blending of the blue component when blending colors.
ray_blend_colors (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not the raytracer blends oversaturated colors.
ray_blend_green (float, default: 0.25) controls blending of the green component when blending colors.
ray_blend_red (float, default: 0.17) controls blending of the red component when blending colors.
ray_clip_shadows (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not shadows take into account the front clipping plane.
ray_color_ramps (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not color ramps are sampled on a per-pixel basis for surfaces (as opposed to per-vertex).
ray_default_renderer (integer, default: 0) controls which renderer is used:
0 = PyMOL's builtin raytracer
1 = PovRay (if available)
2 = A simple geometry counter with no output
ray_direct_shade (float, default: 0.0) controls whether or not shaded regions are still lit by the direct light eminating from the camera.
ray_hint_camera (float, default: 2.15) affects how the raytracer optimizes camera hash table sizes based on the average size of input primitives.
ray_hint_shadow (float, default: 0.65) affects how the raytracer optimizes shadow hash table sizes based on the average size of input primitives.
ray_improve_shadows (float, default: 0.10) controls how much the raytracer tries to extrapolate triangle coordinates in order to improve shadow appearance.
ray_interior_color (color, default: -1) controls the color of interiors in the raytracer.
ray_interior_mode (integer, default: 0) when set to 2, triangle-based (sphere or cartoon) interiors are ignored but not those of spheres (atoms) or cylinders (bonds).
ray_interior_reflect (float, default: 0.4) controls how reflective the interior surface is.
ray_interior_shadows (boolean, default: off) controls whether or not interior surfaces can be shadowed by geometry beyond the front clipping plane.
ray_interior_texture (integer: -1-5, default: -1) controls what texture (if any) is applied to the interior surface.
ray_label_specular (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not specular reflections apply to labels
ray_legacy_lighting (float: 0-1.0, default: 0.0) controls blending of the old legacy PyMOL lighting model.
ray_max_passes (integer, default: 25) controls how many passes the raytracer can make when dealing with transparent primitives.
ray_opaque_background (integer, default: -1) controls whether or not the raytracer background is opaque. If -1, then opaque_background controls.
ray_orthoscopic (integer, default: -1) controls whether or not the raytracer renders using an orthoscopic projection. If -1, then orthoscopic controls.
ray_oversample_cutoff (integer, default: 120) controls how different two adjacent pixels need to be in order to trigger oversampling when antialias is greater than 0.
ray_pixel_scale (float, default: 1.3) controls how the screen pixels size is scaled to a raytracer distance.
ray_shadow_decay_factor (float, default: 0.0) controls how fast shadows decay (0.0 = no decay).
ray_shadow_decay_range (float, default: 1.8) controls how far shadows must extend before they begin to decay.
ray_shadow_fudge (float, default: 0.001) is a tuning parameter that should not need to be modified.
ray_shadow (integer, default: 1) controls whether or not shadows are cast in the raytracer.
ray_texture (integer: 0-5, default: 0) controls what built-in texture (if any) is applied.
ray_trace_gain (float, default: 0.12) is a gain parameter for ray_trace_modes 1-3.
ray_trace_mode (integer, default: 0) controls the behavior of the built-in ray tracer (see PyMOLWiki for sample images):
0 = normal raytracing
1 = color raytracing with outlines
2 = black & white raytracing with outlines (use a white background)
3 = quantized color raytracing with outlines
ray_trace_slope_factor (float, default: 0.6) is a tuning parameter for ray_trace_modes 1-3.
ray_transparency_contrast (float: 1.0-3.0, default: 1.0) can be used to boost the contrast of objects under transparent surfaces.
ray_transparency_oblique (float, default: 0.0) Controls whether PyMOL uses normal-based transparency for rendering surfaces. Since PyMOL 1.8 also supported with shaders.
ray_transparency_oblique_power (float, default: 1.0) Controls the strength of transparency for normal-based transparency when rendering surfaces. Requires ray_transparency_oblique setting to be enabled.
ray_transparency_shadows (boolean, default: on) controls whether or not transparency geometries cast shadows.
ray_transparency_spec_cut (float, default: 0.9) affects the strength of the specular effect on transparent surfaces.
ray_transparency_specular (float, default: 0.4) affects the strength of the specular effect on transparent surfaces.
ray_triangle_fudge (float, default: 0.0000001) is a tuning parameter that should not need to be modified.
spec_power (float, default: -1.0) controls the specularity power coefficient for the raytracer. If < 0.0, then shininess is used.
spec_reflect (float, default: -1.0) controls specularity intensity for the raytracer. If < 0.0, then specular_intensity is used.