ray_opaque_background (integer, default: -1) controls whether or not the raytracer background is opaque. If -1, then
opaque_background controls.
ray_orthoscopic (integer, default: -1) controls whether or not the raytracer renders using an orthoscopic projection. If -1, then
orthoscopic controls.
ray_trace_depth_factor (float, default: 0.1) is a tuning parameter for ray_trace_modes 1-3.
ray_trace_disco_factor (float, default: 0.05) is a tuning parameter for ray_trace_modes 1-3.
ray_trace_fog (float, default: -1.0) controls fog density when raytracing. If -1.0, then the
fog setting is used.
ray_trace_fog_start (float, default: -1.0) controls fog start when raytracing. If -1.0, then the
fog_start setting is used.
ray_trace_mode (integer, default: 0) controls the behavior of the built-in ray tracer (see
PyMOLWiki for sample images):
0 = normal raytracing
1 = color raytracing with outlines
2 = black & white raytracing with outlines (use a white background)
3 = quantized color raytracing with outlines
ray_transparency_spec_cut (float, default: 0.9) affects the strength of the specular effect on transparent surfaces.
spec_power (float, default: -1.0) controls the specularity power coefficient for the raytracer. If < 0.0, then
shininess is used.
spec_reflect (float, default: -1.0) controls specularity intensity for the raytracer. If < 0.0, then
specular_intensity is used.
setting/ray.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/22 15:51 by holder